About Us
Benchmark Resources Pty Ltd trading as Benchmark College is a registered, domestic training provider of Nationally Recognised Qualifications with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). RTO Code: 90274.
We see learning as a life long journey and a pathway for change and growth.
Our aim is always to have the student at the centre of our service delivery and as such we are committed to providing students with learning support throughout their training.
Our Story
Benchmark College was founded in a small classroom in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in 1998 with the main purpose of providing quality vocational education that made a difference to both individual’s and industry. Since that time we have provided over 10,000 students with education that has met their training needs and or employment requirements.
We are owned by Academies Australasia. Academies Australasia (AKG) has been operating for 114 years now and was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange 45 years ago. The link between AKG and Benchmark College enables us to provide students with an alternative and equivalent service to larger training providers with the student centred and flexible approach of a smaller training organisation.
Registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Benchmark College offers 11 different Nationally Recognised Qualifications to people entering the workforce, changing their careers or wanting to turn their skills and knowledge into a qualification.
The diverse range of qualifications on scope provides our graduates opportunities to gain employment in a number of different industries including Early Childhood Education and Care, Individual Support, Business, Retail, Transport and Logistics.
What we Believe
At Benchmark College we see learning as a life long journey or a pathway for change and growth. The motif Learn, Change, Grow and Share reflects our philosophy of the processes that occur when people engage in learning and our own organisations desire through the learning cycle to continually improve every facet of service delivery.
From our extensive experience we know that for change and growth to occur students need to be supported and facilitated throughout the learning process. For this reason the student is always at the centre of our service delivery. This belief is strongly reflected in our processes, systems and culture.
Our Staff
From the time you apply to the time that you graduate you will be assisted by staff who are dedicated to providing you with a quality friendly service.
All of our trainers and assessors are highly qualified, dynamic and experienced industry professionals who consistently model best practice and who are committed to optimising your ability to meet course requirements. This may mean that for some students attending additional tutorials or workshops that are free of charge.